Key World Energy Statistics 2017

این کتاب که از مجموعه کتابهای آژانس بین المللی انرژی است به ارائه آمار مصرف انرژی، شاخص های انرژی، بالانس انرژی و ضرایب تبدیل انرژی در سال 2017 می پردازد.

Energy statistics are produced to be used: to monitor changes in energy production and use; inform debate; and provide a wider understanding of energy. In Key World Energy Statistics (KWES) , we look to highlight some of the key facts and trends from across the vast number of datasets the IEA produces to enable everyone to know more about energy. As part of the IEA modernisation programme, this year’s edition of KWES has been updated. It contains more information on energy efficiency and renewables, more geographic data – including on the “IEA Family”, created through our “Open Doors” policy – and also more of the fundamental data required to fully understand energy security – the heart of our work.

عنوان کتاب: Key World Energy Statistics 2017

زبان: انگلیسی

انتشارات: International Energy Agency – IEA

نوع فایل: PDF

تعداد صفحات: 97

حجم فایل: 3,899KB

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